Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (2025)




Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (1)

Wiki User

15y ago

Best Answer

In 1949, Walter and John Huston became the first father and son pair to win Oscars. Walter Huston won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948). His son, John Huston, won the Oscars for Best Director and Best Writing, Screenplay for: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

In 1975, Harold and Carl Kress became another father and son pair of Oscar winners. Harold Kress won the Won Oscar Best Film Editing for How the West Was Won (1962)and The Towering Inferno (1974). His son Carl Kress won the Oscar for Best Film Editing for The Towering Inferno (1974).

In 1989, Darryl and Richard Zanuck became andother father and son pair of Oscar winners. Darryl F. Zanuck won three Oscars for Outstanding Motion Picture: How Green Was My Valley (1941); Gentleman's Agreement (1947) and All About Eve (1950). His son, Richard Zanuck, won the Oscar for Best Picture for: Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

In 1996, Kirk and Michael Douglas became another father and son pair of Oscar winners. Kirk Douglans received an Honorary Award for 50 years as a creative and moral force in the motion picture community in 1996. His son, Michael Douglas, won the Oscar for Best Picture for: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) and the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for: Wall Street (1987).

In 2007, Charles and Davis Guggenheim became another father and son pair of Oscar winners. Charles Guggenheim won the Oscar for Best Short Film - Live Action for Robert Kennedy Remembered (1968). His son, Davis Guggenheim, won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature for An Inconvenient Truth(2006).

In 2008, Russell and Christopher Rouse became another pair of father and son Oscar winners. Russell Rouse won the Oscar for Best Writing, Story and Screenplay - Written Directly for the Screen for: Pillow Talk (1959). His son Christopher Rouse, won the Oscar for Best Achievement in Editing for: The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (3)

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14y ago

Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (4)

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Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (10)

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10y ago

There have been several father-daughter combinations at theAcademy Awards, including Vincente Minnelli and Liza Minnelli; JohnHuston and Angelica Huston; and Francis Ford Coppola and SofiaCoppola.

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Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (12)

Wiki User

15y ago

Liza Minnelli. Mom received a juvenille Oscar and dad fordirecting GiGI.

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Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (14)

Wiki User

6y ago

Jon Voight & Angelina Jolie


John Huston & Anjelica Houston


Henry Fonda & Jane Fonda

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Which Oscar winner had both parents as Oscar winners? - Answers (16)

Wiki User

14y ago

John Huston.

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